The New Social Wealth Index: Investing in the Care of People and Planet

A recent post from Center for Partnership Studies titled The New Social Wealth Index: Investing in the Care of People and Planet:

“During the July, 2019 Bretton Woods 75 Conference, a team led by Riane Eisler and the Center for Partnership Studies formed for the purpose of developing a new economic Social Wealth Index (SWI) for use by nations and U.S. States to guide enactment of policies that promote optimal human development and protect our natural environment, as well as ensuring business and economic health.

The Social Wealth Index
Unlike both GDP and most GDP alternatives, the new SWI takes into account findings from neuroscience showing that whether we have the “high quality human capital” economists tell us is the most important capital in this new technological era —that is, resilient, flexible people, capable of learning, working with others, and adapting to rapid environmental, social, and technological change — largely hinges on the quality of care and education children receive early on…

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