We Can't Eat Money: Full-Bodied Food Economics
This event was recorded live. Click to access the replay and curriculum.
This event was recorded live. Click to access the replay and curriculum.
This conversation, part of our Full-Bodied Economics Series in 2024, will feature the great work of Physicians for a National Health Plan, Dr. Wendy Dean of the Moral Matters for Medicine podcast and author of If I Betray These Words: Moral Injury in Medicine and Why It's So Hard for Clinicians to Put Patients First, Dr. Elizabeth Rosenthal, editor of KFF Health News and author of American Sickness: How Healthcare Became Big Business and How You Can Take It Back. and Anitra Hamilton of West Virginia, a nurse, minister, NAACP and Gender Equity advocate, who now serves as WV legislator and minority vice chair of WV's Health & Human Services Committee.
Don't miss it! RSVP for access to our curriculum for further learning and the chance to ask questions in advance of our panelists. Our resource guide will define terms you should know and resources and organizations that have "skin in the game," working for real life solutions.
We'll share little known ways an economy waged as war has created a ruthless culture of "privatization" and "financialization," indifferent to social outcomes. Its mystification of money, as if money alone creates value, makes a safe climate, good health care, healthy food, and affordable housing more and more difficult for more and more people.
Does it need to be this way? Are there better ideas? Find out by tuning in.
We were delighted to host a replay of this fireside chat with AEOO ally Georgia Kelly of Praxis Peace Institute, and Osprey Orielle Lake, founder of WECAN (Women's Earth & Climate Action Network). This event was recorded live.
Since relationships and home dwellings are familiar female territory, we hosted a great woman-to-woman conversation about threats to our planet and, more importantly, real solutions. A healthy climate, rich soil, and clean water and air are surely foundational to any economy's wellbeing, so come learn what's necessary and hopeful. This event was recorded live. Click to access the replay and resources for further learning.
Learn how private equity enriches a few behind closed doors — and what you can do to help stop a very real steal.
This event was recorded live. Click to watch and access event resources.
A growing number of women are instead learning how to actively invest their values. Learn how they're growing the livelihoods of local communities, women and BIPOC entrepreneurs, and companies that care about the environment, fair and inclusive governance, and sustainability.
This event was recorded live. Click to watch and access event resources.
This event was recorded live. Click to watch and access event resources.
This event was recorded live. Click to watch and access event resources.
This event was recorded live. Click to watch and access event resources.
This event was recorded live. Click to watch and access event resources.
How do capitalism, racism, and sexism shape our digital experiences? How can we build a feminist future online? Find out through this conversation with Communication and Science and Technology Studies scholar Breigha Adeyemo, journalist and DIGITAL SUFFRAGISTS author Marie Tessier, social systems scientist Riane Eisler, and AEOO’s Digital Director Carmen Rios!
This event was recorded live. Click to watch and access event resources.
Georgia Kelly joined us to tell us much more about Mondragón in Spain, the largest worker-owned cooperative corporation in the world. Georgia has developed an educational seminar tour at the Mondragón Cooperatives in Spain—and from her experience at Mondragón, has focused on cooperatives as an ethical and socially just economic model for the 21st century.
This event was recorded live. Click to watch.
What makes co-op businesses different? Why are women and people of color drawn to them? How do you start one? Join us to learn more!
This event was recorded live. Click to watch and access event resources.
Join dynamic women to learn about ways to create more resilient communities through revolving credit circles, cooperative businesses, trade agreements, services, and more. Women often lead these local efforts that economists traditionally call “informal,” but why? Would becoming more “formal,” as some are now urging, improve mutual trust and security, or undermine it?
This event was recorded live. Click to watch and access event resources.
What is security? On whose account? Our species faces a climate crisis, a water and food crisis, and a demented delusion that humans are natural overlords of earth’s domain. T-Rex probably believed that too. Then the weather got really bad...
An Economy of Our Own gathered some of the earthiest women we know to talk about sustaining our weather, our water, and our food. This talk provides solutions for climate change, rooted in current extractive agricultural & water policy, and resource-grabbing for private profit. It's a huge set of topics, but these just the women to help us make sense of it.
This event was recorded live. Click to watch and access event resources.
If Wall Street and Silicon Valley have more billionaires than ever, how come Main Street’s people are living from paycheck to paycheck—and that’s if they’re lucky?! What is the nature of the currency we call the dollar? And how can we invest our privately earned dollars and our shared public dollars more wisely for the long term? What does the Robinhood GameStop story in the news tell us about the money systems we all count on, but that treats us very differently if we’re Black, brown, or female?
Learn how women are working now to more clearly explain our current money world, including the Federal Reserve, and working to change our money’s intent—not to enrich just a few winners at the cost of mostly losers, but to grant all of us a livable future—in this Zoom of Our Own.
This event was recorded live. Click to watch and access event resources.
Much has been said about “the new normal.” After the pandemic, what will our world look like? The last four years (and the centuries before them!) have revealed that we must dream beyond “reform”—and envision and design real feminist futures that look entirely different from our lopsided reality that discounts our value.
Join us for a conversation on how we can truly “build back better”—by addressing the she-cession caused by COVID-19 and the underlying racism, sexism, and economic inequality that it has highlighted.
This event was recorded live. Click to watch and access event resources.
The work women do is mostly underpaid, always undervalued, and frequently invisible. That won’t change till we change the way we value women’s contributions, paid or unpaid. Our society values what we count and measure. Advocates for a Caring Economy insist we count and value how caring makes the world go around.
This event was recorded live. Click to watch and access event resources.
What if you and you community owned its own banks and corporations? How can the collective approach of cooperative business models and banking in the public interest work together? Why would these make a difference for women?
Join us for a conversation about building shared economies between AEOO advisory board members Jamila Medley, of the Philadelphia Area Cooperative, and Jhumpa Bhattacharya, of The Insight Center for Community Development in Oakland; Emma Chappell, of the Public Banking Institute; and Susan Harman, a public banking activist in Oakland.
This event was recorded live. Click to watch and access event resources.